
Throughout our 168-year history, Hammacher Schlemmer has earned a reputation as the store that champions innovation. Over the years, we have been fortunate to introduce to the public a number of products that were ahead of their time, and have since become indispensable parts of daily life, from the electric razor to the microwave oven.

As part of that tradition, Hammacher Schlemmer introduced an annual contest called the Search For Invention® beginning in 1994. Search For Invention provides inventors with an opportunity to present their ideas to a broad audience, and seeks out those items that are the only one of their kind, items found nowhere else, and items that solve problems as no other can.

At present, the Search For Invention is on hiatus. Hammacher Schlemmer is investigating opportunities to revive the contest in the future, and in the meantime, we invite you to explore the rest of our website and learn about the other items we offer that celebrate innovation.

Only at Hammacher Schlemmer

We began selling automobile parts and tools when there were only 600 "horseless carriages" in New York City

We introduced the pop-up toaster in 1930

Our original hardware and piano supplies store at 209 Bowery