5 (5 Reviews) Item

The Best Children's Tablet

5 (5 Reviews) Item
This children's 7" tablet earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because of its superior combination of performance, ease of use, and durability... Read more

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Product Story

This children's 7" tablet earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because of its superior combination of performance, ease of use, and durability. The Best model started up 25% faster than lesser models and opened apps faster than any other tablet. It was one of only a few models with a time-management feature that allows parents to dictate which days a child can use the tablet and for how long. With bumpers on the edges and back, the rugged tablet sustained no damage when dropped repeatedly by analysts from a height of 3', while inferior models cracked open. Unlike lesser models that were difficult to navigate and load with apps, The Best Children's Tablet comes with 30 games, 7 books, and 21 kids' apps, and its simple Wi-Fi interface made it easy to download more. Powered by Android 5.0, The Best tablet has front- and rear-facing cameras for capturing video or still pictures, a 16 GB memory, and a rechargeable battery that lasts up to eight hours. Ages 4 and up. 8" L x 5" W x 3/4" D. (13 1/2 oz.)

Customer Reviews

5 (5 Reviews)