From Contractors To Kings, Hammacher Schlemmer Provides The Best

Whether it was a prop for a famous Hitchcock movie, four wave rider vehicles for a sheik in the Middle East, an environmental sound generator for a New York native suffering from insomnia, or gifts for members of the British royal family, Hammacher Schlemmer has been the store the recognizable and the not so recognizable have turned to for gifts and unique products.

Hammacher Schlemmer has always respected the privacy of its customers, but many famous patrons and some of their purchases have been covered by the media. For example, journalists gleefully reported a shopping spree by King Hassan of Morocco, who spent $28,000 in one afternoon. His purchase included a half-scale replica of a Model T Ford and a hot dog cart?the latter a product still found in the stores today.

In 1965, two carving knives from Hammacher Schlemmer were integral props in the Hitchcock movie "Torn Curtain" and the contribution prompted a personal thank you letter from Mr. Hitchcock's desk to then president of Hammacher Schlemmer Dominic Tampone.

Famous Hammacher Schlemmer Customers
Visits to the United States by past and present members of the British royal family often included a stop at the 57th street store. The Duke of Windsor had a penchant for flashlights and bought them in every shape and variety. Other royal patrons have included the King and Queen of Spain, the late Princess Grace of Monaco and former India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

In 1916, a member of the Russian government's staff purchased a sample of every piece of hardware offered in the company's 1,000-page catalog to use as manufacturing masters in preparation for the Bolshevik Revolution. Since the time of Herbert Hoover's term in office, most U.S. presidents have visited Hammacher Schlemmer. Hoover seemed especially taken with bar accessories; Roosevelt favored kitchen equipment and Kennedy purchased an electric bed.

Lady Bird Johnson also consulted Hammacher Schlemmer when renovating the closets in the White House and more recently, the store provided bedside Zitzmann Silver Thermal Carafes and a large steamer to keep guests looking their best when staying at Blair House, originally constructed as the Vice President's residence across from the White House.

In a Broadway Musical
Hammacher Schlemmer has the further distinction of having inspired a song in a Broadway musical, "The Little Show," of 1929. This witty ditty, which enjoyed nationwide popularity, was entitled "Hammacher Schlemmer, I Love You," and was sung by none other than Fred Allen.

Famous Hammacher Schlemmer Song
The song's chorus . . .

Hammacher Schlemmer, I Love You -
You're Like a Sweetheart to Me -
Hammacher Schlemmer, Above You
No Other Firm E'er Could Be.
Your Business Deserves Devotion
That Is Loyal -
I Love You Just Like a Fellow
Love His Goil -
So Always Remember -
Hammacher Schlemmer - I Love You.
And a stanza . . .
Hammacher Schlemmer, I Love You
Roebuck and Sears, I Adore You
If You Want To Buy A Bassinette Or Buy A Hog
Don't Be in A Fog, Use Our Catalogue
Hammacher Schlemmer You're Sweet And Dear
Hammacher Schlemmer I Repeat Dear
Macy's And Gimble's Have Plenty of Thimbles
But I Love You.

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About Hammacher Schlemmer
Hammacher Schlemmer is America's longest running catalog, offering the Best, the Only, and the Unexpected since 1848. The company provides unique products that solve problems or represent the only one of their kind, and backs its products by a rather famous Lifetime Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction. Hammacher Schlemmer's innovative offerings are available through its catalog, online at at its landmark store on East 57th Street in New York City.