4 (20 Reviews) Item

The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool

4 (20 Reviews) Item
Winner of four awards including The Edison Award and The Good Design Award, this is the patented ergonomic stool that helps improve your strength, flexibility, and circulation in the core and back... Read more

94837 - The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool
94837 - The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool
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$69.95 $99.95
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94840 - The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool (Extra Wide)
94840 - The Award Winning Ergonomic Stool (Extra Wide)
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$99.95 $139.95
(29% Off)
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Product Story

Winner of four awards including The Edison Award and The Good Design Award, this is the patented ergonomic stool that helps improve your strength, flexibility, and circulation in the core and back. Similar to motion and wobble stools, it keeps the body from remaining in one static position, allowing you to remain slightly in motion at all times. This “active seating” prompts sitters to adopt different postures during the day, which builds abdominal muscles, prevents joints from stiffening, and relieves the monotonous pressure on the discs of the spine.

Customer Reviews

4 (20 Reviews)