
The Best Christmas Lights

These are the Christmas tree lights that proved the most durable and stayed illuminated even after multiple bulbs were removed, thereby earning The Best designation from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute... Read more

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These are the Christmas tree lights that proved the most durable and stayed illuminated even after multiple bulbs were removed, thereby earning The Best designation from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute. The Institute commissioned an independent laboratory that simulated three years of wear. Unlike lesser light strands that had numerous bulbs fail, The Best Christmas Tree Lights survived with every bulb illuminated. Analysts next removed bulbs to observe the effect on the rest of the strand. Despite the absence of a dozen bulbs, all the remaining lights on The Best strand still illuminated, whereas inferior light strands failed upon removing a single bulb. The flexible commercial-grade 20-gauge wire connecting the lights is tightly wound by hand and untangles easily, unlike lesser strands that became snarled around the bulbs. The incandescent bulbs are spaced 5 1/2" apart, meaning the strand will cover a greater area than lights with tightly packed bulbs. Includes replacement bulbs and fuses. Strand measures 46' long with a 5 1/2" lead cord and up to eight strands may be plugged together. With 100 clear or multicolored bulbs.