5 (2 Reviews) Item

The Illuminated Snowman Tree

5 (2 Reviews) Item
This is the 79"-tall prelit Christmas tree that takes on the form of a jolly snowman... Read more

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Product Story

This is the 79"-tall prelit Christmas tree that takes on the form of a jolly snowman. Complementing the tree‘s bulbous yet merry head, two twig arms, carrot nose, tophat, scarf, boots, and five black buttons provide additional decorative touches that converts this tree into a unique expression of holiday enthusiasm only available from Hammacher Schlemmer. A traditional tree’s boughs are supplanted by 452 glistening white PVC pine needles while 300 bright white LEDs impart a jolly rotundity to the snowman’s body. Plugs into AC with a 9'-long cord. 79" H x 42" Diam. (30 lbs.)

Customer Reviews

5 (2 Reviews)