5 (1 Reviews) Item

The Only Unabridged Electronic Dictionary

5 (1 Reviews) Item
This is the handheld electronic tome of Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, the largest, most comprehensive American dictionary ever published in any form... Read more

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Product Story

This is the handheld electronic tome of Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, the largest, most comprehensive American dictionary ever published in any form. About the size of a mousepad (and far easier to cart than the 12 1/2-lb., 4-inch thick, 2,662-page source), this complete reference includes words that you won't find in lesser electronic dictionaries with limited vocabularies, such as "disselboom"and "zyzzogeton." Patented phonetic spell correction allows you to enter words on the 64-key QWERTY keyboard as they sound (for example, typing "nolij" displays "knowledge"), enabling easy lookup. The 4" W x 3" H screen shows clear definitions, comprehensive etymology, and helpful word usage. Includes guides to punctuation and style, a thesaurus, word games, and a one-year subscription to the online version of the dictionary. A USB port and SD card slot allow expansion up to 2 GB. Powered by two AAA batteries (included). 3/4" H x 5 1/2" W x 4 1/2" D. (2 lbs.)

Customer Reviews

5 (1 Reviews)