
The Tron Legacy Pinball Machine

This is the arcade-quality pinball machine based on the 2010 movie Tron: Legacy, complete with music, sounds, and dialog from the science fiction classic... Read more

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This is the arcade-quality pinball machine based on the 2010 movie Tron: Legacy, complete with music, sounds, and dialog from the science fiction classic. With three flippers, multiple bumpers, target banks, and a spinning disc to contend with, pinballers play through themed game modes as young Sam Flynn, who must battle the computer-code antagonists CLU and Rinzler. Varying skill challenges test players' ability to send balls up the two ramps (simulating light-cycle battles), or to deftly drop the ball through a "Flynn's Arcade" portal to initiate several different play modes and quests. Hand-built by Stern Pinball, Inc., maker of iconic arcade-quality pinball machines for three generations, this game features an actual spinning "identity disc," a signature element of the Tron movies. Defeating a motorized, three-bank target exposes the spinning disc that sends the ball sailing and initiates a high-scoring multi-ball round. To complete the kinetic Tron experience, the backglass features a 3D graphic effect with the iconic glower of Jeff Bridges as adventuring software engineer Kevin Flynn. 76" H x 27" W x 55" D. (250 lbs.)