
The World's Best Prelit 9 Foot Garland

This is the most realistic garland in the world, professionally strung with the best lights available, guaranteed for life... Read more

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This is the most realistic garland in the world, professionally strung with the best lights available, guaranteed for life. Only available from Hammacher Schlemmer, the garland is molded from a live Abies procera, or Noble fir, considered one of the most desired holiday garlands for its deep blue-green color and symmetrical branch pattern. The actual branches of a Noble fir were used in the polyethylene injection-molding process to replicate the exact growth patterns and distinct, short, wide, and rounded needle tips of the original garland. Its shape is so realistic, and its needles are so soft, that it was mistaken for a live specimen by tree farmers. Unlike other garlands that have light strands which fail immediately when one bulb ceases to work, this garland has strands of advanced integrated circuit lights that withstand the failure or removal of multiple bulbs, ensuring bright, clear, reliable lighting year after year, backed by the rather famous Hammacher Schlemmer Lifetime Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction. All light strands are professionally strung, making the cords practically invisible against the branches. Flame- and crush-resistant for years of use and storage, the needles on the garland are mixed with PVC tips to soften the overall look and feel of the garland and to add dimension to its layers. Please specify Clear or Multi-colored lights. 100 lights and 285 tips. Plugs into AC with a 36" cord. 12" Diam. (5 lbs.)